Author and Adult Child Abuse Survivor Ken Scully

Turning Adversity Into Opportunity.

Years of Child Abuse Recovery Experience

Recovery is about changing and healing some deficits, while finding ways to use or at least accept those that we can’t, and finding self acceptance and connection to others.

Table of Contents

Meeting EvilNEW
Functional AngerNEW
Judge Not
Trusting Ourselves
Accepting Our Grief
What Is the Grief Process?
Absolute Obedience
Hope & Despair
A Road Less Traveled
An Awakening
Spare the Rod?
The Invisible Archer
Awareness and Honesty
Letting Go
I Stand Before You
Enlightened Witness
Giving Permission to Play
Emotionally Open in a Repressed Society
Be Afraid, be …
I Try So Hard
A Gift of Honesty
Something Wrong With You
The Stories of Our Lives
What’s an Inner Child?
Not Love
The Power of the Child
The Wine Cellar 1
Looking Back
Experiencing Terror
Terrible Truths
Logic Is Not Truth! (must read!)
The Priest
Break The Silence!
We The Children
Gone Fishing
My Dog “Happy”
Tricycle Marathon
What Did You Take From Me?
Wounded And Waiting
You Can Never Know
The Wine Cellar 2
Why do I Love you?
Only Love
Keep Speaking Out!
The Forever Tree
Confronting My Mom
Clergy Abuse
A Call To Action
Choosing Support
Told to Forgive And Forget?
We Can Heal
How Do We Heal?
Past and Present Meet
The Tail Of The Dog

Most Recent Writings

  • When Past and Present Meet

    I had a vague sense of uneasiness when I took my dog, Goldie for a walk this morning. I get this feeling quite often. I wanted to take a deep breath and make this feeling go away, but it never does by just doing that. If I pay attention, there is a burning heaviness in…

  • Monster

    This piece is about how I felt as a child, and how I felt about her as I began to see the full scope of her abuse of me. Now, I see her as someone who was emotionally unbalanced, and just a sad woman, wasted by her own anger. She controlled every part of my…

  • Tricycle Marathon

    Riding bikes with my sisters. Rainy day, indoor tricycle marathon. Around and around, how fast can we go? Through the kitchen. Multicolored dots on a blue-gray background, the linoleum gives the illusion of speed. Around the corner, often nicking the white trim of the doorway, and into the small utility room. Past washer, dryer, and…